
Unite our Strengths | Training Ideas for Your Clients

Ok, so to all the Trainers out there..

this section is for YOU.. I am going to start to share some great video workout ideas for you. These are all great ideas that you can use with your clients and even make them your own.  My goal is to make our strengths unite, through sharing training ideas and inspiring each other.   I believe that it’s great to share our strengths and feed off eachother, if it be in fitness, food, fashion, knowledge on life or sports… really all of it in life.  What is a world without support,  motivation and inspiration?  In this section of I want to share with you all my secrets and styles of training that can inspire you to make them your own and add your own twist to them.  I have really found that this Adrenaline style of training really WORKS.  My clients are all seeing results quickly and become addicted to the feeling it gives them inside out.   Your clients will love it too and reach all their goals!

In this video I show you a pretty cool way of doing an intense circuit that keeps your clients heart rates going and all their muscles guessing.  You can have them rest in between sets of rotations or get them down in a plank, doing pushups or even more cardio,  then rotate.  See people come out because they want their asses kicked.. they don’t want 20 mins out of the hour in a resting period in between sets they want their money’s worth and feel that intense burn, puke in the back of their throat and that soreness in their muscles for the next few days.  This will keep them coming and wanting more and their body getting the results it needs and never plateauing.

I love this circuit because the fact that they have other members pushing behind them keeps them on their toes and moving. No one wants to hold the group up…so they will push their limits and do everything they can to keep going.  Besides after the minute set they will definitely be feeling it and maybe even keeling over if you push them hard enough.  You can’t just set the timer and yell stop..start.. you have to be on every single client.  Call them out.. make the class do more if that one person is slacking. They are here for group training.. if they were uncomfortable with training in a group they wouldn’t be there. So get pushing and motivating and calling them out, you want results right???  So make it happen!!!

If you have any questions, or maybe you are just starting out and need some advice..please send me an email and ask, I will help you and give you whatever direction I can to help you make your business successful. I love inspiring others and I want to help as many people I can with training so if it is helping you help them.. then I am happy. So get motivated and excited about every client you have.. they are with you for a reason and they want change in their life.. so DO IT!!! 


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